Warwick the Wanderer by Terry Murphy


Rock n’ roll: it’s the future!

Bold Sir Warwick is almost out of a job. The best adventures have been done and even the Holy Grail has turned up. Worse, it’s not his turn to be King. Career advice from the Wise Wizard is no help and chivalry is so middle ages.

Warwick pulls the mythical guitar ‘Finder Excalibur’ from its stone, puts together the erstwhile ‘Wanderers’ as his backing band - Bonzo, Maid Maddison & Wise Wizard Dave - and auditions for ‘Star Factor’.

Can Warwick and his wavering Wanderers impress Simon Scowell, make the final with host Drake Seachest and win a recording contract?

Author's note:
Warwick the Wanderer is a contemporary parable rather than a dedicated children's book but is still suitable for madcap spirits of all ages.



   UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00OWXKEC0

   US: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00OWXKEC0