Warwick the Wanderer by Terry Murphy
Rock n’ roll: it’s the future! |
Warwick pulls the mythical guitar ‘Finder Excalibur’ from its stone, puts together the erstwhile ‘Wanderers’ as his backing band - Bonzo, Maid Maddison & Wise Wizard Dave - and auditions for ‘Star Factor’.
Can Warwick and his wavering Wanderers impress Simon Scowell, make the final with host Drake Seachest and win a recording contract?
Author's note:
Warwick the Wanderer is a contemporary parable rather than a dedicated children's book but is still suitable for madcap spirits of all ages.
UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00OWXKEC0
US: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00OWXKEC0